Monday, October 6, 2008

Falling down stairs

Alright, so in choosing this blog topic I had some assistance from my lovely assistant, Carly. I asked her for a random topic which I would then write a story on. She mentioned falling down stairs and at the moment I can think of three separate occasions where I have had such a misfortune. They aren't all funny and knowing how much of a clutz I am, I'm surprised I don't remember more, maybe I will before I finish this post. :)
First story. My high school was laid out with 4 main buildings and then stairs going to the various levels in each building. Basically, there were lots of stairs, and I was always afraid of falling down them. Well, I was a "righteous" girl in high school and read my scriptures everyday (The Bible, the Book of Mormon or Doctrine and Covenants for those unfamiliar with the term scriptures). I always read them for at least 10 minutes before going to bed each night. There was only one night in high school that I missed. As fortune would have it- the next day was the ONLY day that I fell down the stairs at school.
Second story that I remember was in Mammoth- I don't remember all the details, but when my sister Katie was born I spent a lot of time with her. I took care of her a lot- much of that had to do with other circumstances that are part of a different story. But I was wearing socks and was carrying her. Well, I slipped going down the stairs and I was terrified that Katie might get hurt and so I tensed up and held onto her. She ended up crying, we think because it was a sudden drop and she could feel the tension in my arms, but she came out of it perfectly, whereas I bruised my tail bone and was not able to fully enjoy the rest of my summer. Going in the ocean with the motion of the waves REALLY hurt.
Third, (I remember another one) I remember when I was quite young being at a wedding reception or something like that. I think we were in Utah because there was a basement. Well I was having fun pushing this plastic shopping cart around, but I was too small to see beyond it and didn't see the stairs in front of me. I ended up tumbling down the stairs, over the shopping cart and then smashed down by it, the whole way down. Since I was quite young, I'm not sure if all the details are accurate, but this is how I remember it.
The last one I remember was actually at a Dodgers game. It was Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium. Hey! Imagine that! A Mormon night at Disneyland and now Dodgers games... Well, we were in the bleachers with everyone from the stake. I decided I was hungry and my dad gave us money and I was supposed to go with my brother. I was surrounded by people from my home ward on my right and people from the singles ward on my left. I don't know how exactly but somehow I slipped and ended up several stairs further down. If I must say, it was quite graceful- it looked like I had planned on sliding down because I popped back up as if it were my next step. The thing is, my brother hadn't seen a thing. I was almost disappointed that he wasn't going to have anything to make fun of me for that night. I asked around and it seemed like no one had seen it. It was devastating. Well, several months later I met this guy. I vaguely remember him sitting in the general area I had been sitting in that one night at Dodger Stadium. He, out of the blue said, "Hey, were you the one who slipped down the stairs at Dodger Stadium?" I was ecstatic! It's funny how someone seeing me fall made me so happy. One would have thought I'd want to go and hide, but sometimes I surprise myself.
I don't know if these stories are the greatest, but if you have a random topic and want to see if I can come up with a story about it, send me a message:

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Don't feel too bad. I'm a clutz too. I always trip, or twist my ankle, on flat surfaces with no obstacles.

I fell down the stairs once too, when my oldest, Josiah was a baby. I was holding him, and I slipped. I think his little leg got squished under me when I fell back, but he was fine. I broke my big toe. It really hurts to break a toe. I always laughed at people, when they cried about their broken toe, but, it really SMARTs!

Love your stories!