Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Headaches of moving

So I've been notified by a close friend that it's been a long time since my last post. Well, today I'm actually going to write about a recent occurence that makes me feel frustrated, tired, loved and grateful, almost all at exactly the same time.

The thing is, I spent a GLORIOUS 10 days in Mexico and arrived home to find complete chaos concerning moving apartments. I had planned to do so on arriving back in Utah and found out it was supposed to happen before I could get back TO Utah, and the penalty is $100/day. A few things that you should know about me to understand the stress it created for me: I hate asking for help- I like thinking I'm self-sufficient, and I like to be the one who helps, not the one who imposes on other people. I hate making phone calls (I like keeping in contact with people, but something about sitting down and MAKING a phone call? I will avoid it like the plague.) Oh and I don't like confrontations, I would rather let people walk all over me before I cause a problem by over-reacting in anger. I used to have a temper, so more often than not I bite my tongue and let people do whatever. So yesterday I had to address this problem of moving quickly without even being physically present and able to. It's break time for Utah- which means a lot of people are out of town. And my closest guy friends have all left Utah. Course when I say that I mean my freshmen group of guy friends- but as I sat down and started making phone calls and sending out mass text messages petitioning for help I started realizing I have a lot of great guy friends who are all still there for me. I know some of them did it because they are just GREAT, to say the least, not necessarily because of anything I am or have done. But I would hope that they all know that I am severely indebted to all of them and would be willing to drop things at a moments' notice and help them as well. The problems yesterday took just about all day. And when I say that, I mean from 9 am to 10 pm, and the problems are still not completely solved even now as I write this. To top all of this, my last day of my vacation- I got sick, and so I still was a bit out of it yesterday and it did not put me in a great mood and by night I was pretty near delirious.

Needless to say, since the problems are still not completely solved, I don't feel like I can tell the full story yet, and it still is a little hard for me to put into words, but to briefly describe the problems I had to ask permission from my new landlord to move in early at my new place that I was moving to. I got permission there, and then there was a problem with the code on the door being changed without being notified, even though I had permission to have it and move in. I solved that problem and another one arose. I would solve that problem and a problem that had been solved would be changed. At one point, JUST as I started feeling relief that the amazing guys had moved my stuff or were finishing up, my landlord called and said, "Sorry, there's a problem, you can't move in afterall." I literally, almost just sat down and cried. Instead I asked her what I could do to change it, because obviously my stuff was at least already mostly moved over. Anyways, I am VERY VERY thankful for the guys who, last minute, came to my rescue. Quite literally. And even though I don't think any of them read my blog, I want to thank them publically- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!