Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Headaches of moving

So I've been notified by a close friend that it's been a long time since my last post. Well, today I'm actually going to write about a recent occurence that makes me feel frustrated, tired, loved and grateful, almost all at exactly the same time.

The thing is, I spent a GLORIOUS 10 days in Mexico and arrived home to find complete chaos concerning moving apartments. I had planned to do so on arriving back in Utah and found out it was supposed to happen before I could get back TO Utah, and the penalty is $100/day. A few things that you should know about me to understand the stress it created for me: I hate asking for help- I like thinking I'm self-sufficient, and I like to be the one who helps, not the one who imposes on other people. I hate making phone calls (I like keeping in contact with people, but something about sitting down and MAKING a phone call? I will avoid it like the plague.) Oh and I don't like confrontations, I would rather let people walk all over me before I cause a problem by over-reacting in anger. I used to have a temper, so more often than not I bite my tongue and let people do whatever. So yesterday I had to address this problem of moving quickly without even being physically present and able to. It's break time for Utah- which means a lot of people are out of town. And my closest guy friends have all left Utah. Course when I say that I mean my freshmen group of guy friends- but as I sat down and started making phone calls and sending out mass text messages petitioning for help I started realizing I have a lot of great guy friends who are all still there for me. I know some of them did it because they are just GREAT, to say the least, not necessarily because of anything I am or have done. But I would hope that they all know that I am severely indebted to all of them and would be willing to drop things at a moments' notice and help them as well. The problems yesterday took just about all day. And when I say that, I mean from 9 am to 10 pm, and the problems are still not completely solved even now as I write this. To top all of this, my last day of my vacation- I got sick, and so I still was a bit out of it yesterday and it did not put me in a great mood and by night I was pretty near delirious.

Needless to say, since the problems are still not completely solved, I don't feel like I can tell the full story yet, and it still is a little hard for me to put into words, but to briefly describe the problems I had to ask permission from my new landlord to move in early at my new place that I was moving to. I got permission there, and then there was a problem with the code on the door being changed without being notified, even though I had permission to have it and move in. I solved that problem and another one arose. I would solve that problem and a problem that had been solved would be changed. At one point, JUST as I started feeling relief that the amazing guys had moved my stuff or were finishing up, my landlord called and said, "Sorry, there's a problem, you can't move in afterall." I literally, almost just sat down and cried. Instead I asked her what I could do to change it, because obviously my stuff was at least already mostly moved over. Anyways, I am VERY VERY thankful for the guys who, last minute, came to my rescue. Quite literally. And even though I don't think any of them read my blog, I want to thank them publically- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!


Sharon said...

Oh you must have a special purpose to be back in UTAH! Hope you get better soon. I'm so sad you got sick on your vacation. GET WELL SOON! Hope you wasn't from eating any E-G-G-S???? :( XO

Sharon said...

Miss Caligirl, Who follows your blog more than me????? And I diablbed f/b. I AM CRAZY! (I was addicted :(, )I will miss keeping up with you through face book! And I have a big question? Would you care if I borrowed your whole post on Prop. 8? Our niece is having serious issures with the Prophet and Boyd K. Packers talk. It makes me so sad... Your article came to mind. It is THE BEST written EVER! (its ok if you aren't comfortable with it. Let me know on a comment on my blog. Hope everything is going good! XO

Sharon said...

Thankyou Jamie, so while you are posting about Boyd K Packers talk.
Rebuttal this one while your at it! This is what was posted on facebook. It will make you cry. You can erase this post if you need to.
"If there ever comes a day when the Saints interfere with the rights of others to live as they see fit, you can know with assurance that the Church is no longer led by a Prophet, but a mere man." - Brigham Young
Pretty sure your post on "yes"Prop.8 " states a clear reason this isn't true but you can include it if you want. XO

Jamie B said...

For anyone reading the above comment read my next blog post on the quote. :)